VeRo, also known as verified rights owner is a fail-safe put in place by eBay to protect the intellectual property of some products whose manufacturers are particular about their work.
Think of the Vero product as a copyrighted product and you know that if you infringe on a copyright product, there will be severe consequences.
A lot of dropshippers do not know that these products exist.
All they do is take a product from their supplier (be it on AliExpress or DHGate) and just list them on their eBay store.
This is dangerous as it is one of the reasons eBay will flag your account and possibly even suspend you permanently.
That is why there’s a need for VeRo protection.
VeRo protection, as the name implies, shields you from the shit show that comes with listing VeRo products.
VeRo protection is a must-have if you are going to succeed in the dropshipping business because just one Vero product can crumble all your effort on your eBay store.
Imagine losing a money-making eBay dropshipping account just because you didn’t know about a VeRo product amongst your listed products.
Terrible right? And that’s where VeRo protection comes into play.
Our VeRo protection is put in place to protect you from any possible infringement on the intellectual property of a product.
The word infringement here is broad as it encompasses a whole lot in it.
It can be termed infringement if you use the wrong picture to list a product description and so on.
But you don’t have to worry; KalDrop’s VeRo protection has got your back.
Our VeRo protection features a list of all the VeRo products already archived by eBay so no matter where you source your product from, you are protected.
We understand that this list is going to be updated from time to time.
This is quite normal so long as products are being made regularly, so we do our best to update our list too on a regular basis.
That way, you are protected on all sides and will not be flagged for a VeRo product.
Our VeRo protection is more like a preventative measure.
It stops you from listing the product on your eBay store.
When you want to list a product and you get an error message, that is our VeRo protection kicking in.
When you see this message, KalDrop Icon will become red.
Just delete that specific product from your list and input another.
Keep doing this till you no longer see an error message about VeRo protection.
KalDrop is the numero uno Non API Lister which helps you list products, update prices, and other dropshipping activities with just one click.
Our VeRo list contains a list of all items flagged by eBay as VeRo products.
Almost every single eBay VeRo product is on our list and it is updated frequently to keep up with the new items being added to the list.
Click here to get this amazing offer and enjoy 7 days free.
Asides not getting flagged with a Non API Lister, you also get more sales with our great solution.
It is evident in our results.
If you check below you will see that our Non API Lister – KalDrop – generates sales 50 times more than when you use regular API Monitor.