It’s a guarantee you can make good money selling on eBay without using a copyrighted brand name, logo, design, or photo works on the eBay VeRO program.
Sadly, the number of the world’s top brand names featuring on the eBay VeRO list isn’t all VeRO brands.
eBay is governed by rules and regulations even though some emanate from third parties and product owners – the VeRO program included.
Infringing VeRO program policies has its consequences.
Using VeRO checker eBay tool to avoid eBay VeRO list 2020 can help remain in business.
How would you feel if your listing is removed overnight due to a violation of eBay VeRO policies?
And yet there are plenty of free eBay VeRO checker tools?
Using a Non-API eBay Lister to import bulk listing again to your eBay account in a minute may remedy this.
But with eBay bots at work, your eBay account stands the risk of permanent suspension.
Will your action have helped? No.
What is eBay VeRO
VeRO stands for Verified Rights Owner.
This is a program by the product owner and their certified representatives to protect the Intellectual Property rights by reporting eBay listing that infringes on those rights.
eBay VeRO is part of eBay’s commitment to Intellectual Property (IP) owners to provide a safe market that respects their property rights.
Property owners have the onus to report eBay VeRO listings that infringe on their property rights to eBay.
Upon receiving notification of infringement through VeRO, eBay is mandated to remove the listing within the shortest time possible.
After your listing has been removed, eBay usually sends an email detailing how to contact the product owner and why he/she reported your listing.
Whereas there are genuine reasons for relisting eBay VeRO items, continuous VeRO violation may result in suspension from eBay or selling restrictions.
Top 6 Brand Names to Avoid on eBay VeRO List 2020
It is really annoying you cannot use some of the company’s brand logos and names we are loyal to when listing items on your eBay account. Procter & Gamble is an example of a famous worldwide brand likely to attract many customers if its logo or brand is used to promote products on eBay.
Unfortunately, it’s on the eBay VeRO list.
Here are the top 10 brands names on the eBay VeRO program:
McGregor Fashion Group NV
Fashion has always been among the most trending products on eBay.
In the list of VeRO on eBay is McGregor, a fashion company that designs, markets, distributes, and retails its products giving no chance for anyone to resell on eBay.
Therefore, unauthorized use of McGregor’s audiovisual and photographic works or trademarks is illegal.
Especially if it’s through copying, display, or publication without express written permission.
2. Abercrombie & Fitch
Also included in the eBay VeRO list are Abercrombie & Fitch’s trademarks, copyrights, and service marks.
Unless with express written permission from A&F, any distribution, the publication is subject to criminal prosecution and reporting to eBay VeRO.
In strict terms, A&F does not authorize or permit publication or distribution of any of its intellectual property rights on eBay.
3. Nike
If there is a brand name whose popularity touches every corner of this world is Nike.
Despite having profitable products likely to make massive sales on eBay, only Nike authorized dealers can legally resell on eBay.
However, Nike gives only one exception: You can resell on eBay genuine Nike products you purchased if they are in their original status.
And due to legal restrictions, you are authorized to use Nike trademarks to resell in the territory you bought the product.
4. Microsoft

Microsoft has some of its software tagged “Not For Resale” or “Promotional.”
This indicates that it’s unlawful to distribute the software on eBay.
Almost every technical action today is supported or aided by software, and access to free publication on eBay can be a lucrative business.
Mostly if members on the eBay VeRO list dealing with software allowed unrestricted resell.
But due to counterfeit, Microsoft monitors the internet to identify reseller auctions to control the sale of authorized software.
5. Inc. Inc. has invested millions of dollars in its branding strategies. They deserve to protect their property rights.
Using their logos, images, or texts used directly from their website amounts to infringement of their Intellectual Property rights.
And since it’s appearing on the eBay VeRO list, it’s illegal to use their brand name, company names, symbols, or designs in your listing.
Nordstrom, Inc.
Nordstrom attracts over 28.70 million monthly visitors and thus believes in the quality of its products.
Blessed with many copyrighted materials selling across many states, Nordstrom joined the eBay VeRO list to safeguard its selling eBay VeRO items.
Publishing photographic works and accompanying them with the item descriptions on Nordstrom’s website or catalog is a violation of its Intellectual Property rights.
The eBay VeRO list is upgraded is every time.
To stay informed is to use VeRO checker eBay tools like VeRO Checker and Multi-Drop VeRO checker.
How to Create Legally Compliant eBay VeRO Items List
To create a list of eBay VeRO items on your eBay account without infringing the products owners’ property rights, here is what you should do:
i. Avoid using texts and images with trademarks searched from the internet by using VeRO checker eBay tools and concentrate on writing your own tests and photos.
ii. Use the eBay product catalog to list VeRO eBay items on your account.
Products featuring on the catalog and their details are not subject to Intellectual Property rights. It’s therefore legal to list on eBay.
iii. Use brand names carefully.
Knowing the consequences of violating eBay VeRO policies, brand names should be used very carefully if you are not an authorized reseller or dealer.
It’s advisable to include the brand name in the listing and then add photos.
iv. Ensure your eBay VeRO items list descriptions are accurate.
An eBay VeRO member can claim your listed products are inaccurate, misleading, and inappropriate and should thus be removed.
If you identify exceptions as indicated on Nike property rights, use a Non API eBay Lister.
KalDrop is a highly recommended tool for importing products in masses to your dropshipping account in seconds.
FAQs About eBay VeRO List
The topic of the eBay VeRO list is one where a lot of questions are asked.
It is expected as a lot of people want to know all there is to know about the eBay VeRO list.
So they can be totally aware and not fall into any circumstance or situation leading up to being banned for listing VeRO products.
So here are some frequently asked questions and their corresponding answers.
How Do I Create Legally Compliant Listings?
The whole point of not getting a VeRO violation is getting your listings right.
That is free from any form of VeRO item (a legal listing).
You can do this in two ways – scour through all the list of VeRO items to know what to list and what not to list.
That sounds stressful huh?
Well, there’s a better way.
You get an eBay lister that alerts you when you are about to list a VeRO item.
An example of such software is KalDrop.
KalDrop has an inbuilt eBay VeRO list, containing thousands of VeRO items, that will hint you when you are about to list a VeRO item.
So instead of spending hours on end being extra careful not to list from the eBay VeRO list, get KalDrop today.
What Happens If I Have More Than One VeRO Violation?
The thing is, eBay does not immediately put a ban on your account once you list a VeRO item because eBay believes everybody deserves a second chance…well, numerous chances actually.
They will give you up to 3 violations before they, first of all, give you a slap on the wrist by suspending your account temporarily.
If you continue to violate their VeRO policy, you will be permanently suspended.
What Do I Do When My Account Gets Blocked?
If you keep listing VeRO items and your account gets blocked, the first thing that happens is that eBay will send an email letting you know you have listed a VeRO item.
When this happens, the next thing you need to do is to email eBay’s VeRO email ( to appeal your suspension.
Will I Be Refunded?
eBay may or may not refund your fees if you are in violation of listing an item on the eBay VeRO list.
It depends on the policy you violate, and if you have violated any policy in past.
How Do I Contact A Rights Owner?
If you feel your listing was correctly removed or you need additional information about the VeRO product, you can contact the rights’ owner.
The rights’ owner of a VeRO product is one that has intellectual rights on that item to sell, distribute, and do whatever with the item.
In the email eBay sends you when you list a VeRO item, they provide the contact details of the right’s owner.
You can then lodge your complaint by sending them a message.
Products from eBay VeRO list members collectively put together are a whole lot to ignore.
KalDrop’s eBay VeRO list has many VeRO brands so you will never be in violation of eBay’s VeRO policy.
Just go through some of the prominent companies on the eBay VeRO list and keenly read their scope of registered property rights, then take advantage of the exceptions.